Project information
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Aquality is a reusable water bottle with a built-in filter, specifically designed to address the Cambodian water crisis and promote environmental sustainability.
In the bustling streets of Vietnam, my hometown, and among my engagements in United
Nations volunteer projects, I became aware of the water contamination crisis—an issue not
unique to Vietnam but prevalent across Southeast Asia, notably in Cambodia. The stark disparity
in water accessibility between these regions and the United States, where tap water is readily
available, sparked a determination within me to seek solutions. This summer, I, along with my
partner Marco Qin, am channeling our collective passion and expertise into a startup aimed at
addressing this critical issue. Our product Aquality, centered on the development of an
innovative reusable water bottle with a built-in filtration system, is a testament to our dedication
to making a substantial impact on environmental sustainability and health.